2025 Membership Fees

Membership FEE
Full Adult £1159.00
Junior 12 and under £90.00
Junior 13 to 17 yr £146.00
Intermediate 18 to 21 yr £353.00
Intermediate 22 to 24 yr £470.00
Intermediate 25 to 29 yr £622.00
Intermediate 30 to 35 yr £890.00
Senior Membership  £1084.00
90 yr plus No charge
10 hole (conditions apply) £739.00
Country Membership £885.00
Associate (conditions apply)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              £403.00
Second Club (conditions apply)                                                                                                                                                     £784.00
Corporate (email manager for details) £2500.00 plus VAT
Low Income Per Round (conditions apply) £11.00
Driving Range  £78.00
Locker £15.00
Trolley Store £25.00 Store / £100.00 trolly charging

Membership Category Information

Membership Application Form

Adult Full Membership: Full unrestricted membership 7 days a week

Junior Membership: Full membership for those compliant with the defined age ranges.

Intermediate Membership: Full membership for those that comply with the defined age ranges. Proof of age required.

Senior Membership: Full membership for those in the age range 80 to 89 inclusive.

Age 90 and over Membership: For those members aged 90 and over, no annual subscription fee will be levied.

10-Hole Membership: Full membership for those only playing 10 holes each round.
10 hole members are not eligible for 18 hole competitions. 10 hole membership is based on the 1-10 hole course only. Rounds can be extended to 18 holes for 50% of the visitor fee, published on this website.

Country Membership: This membership is for those who have a UK address more than 40 miles radius from Easingwold Golf Club or they have none domicile status. The membership permits unrestricted access to Club competitions and play in all forms of competitive matches..

Associate Membership: This membership is suitable for those who want to be a member of a golf club but do not wish to play regularly. Membership includes 12 rounds of 18 hole golf. If less than 18 holes are played the remaining holes are forfeited. Associate members cannot enter competitions. Tee time bookings must be made via the pro shop. Additional rounds can be purchased if required. Ineligible to play as a guest of another club member.

Low Income Membership: This is a free membership to those who can show they cannot afford to pay more than £520 per year to play golf. Members would be charged a £10 per round green fee each time they played, which can be on any day of the week. The Club would also provide a number of used golf clubs for members to use at no cost. These members would have full use of Club facilities and voting rights. The Club will not manage their handicaps and they would be unable to play in any competitions, including friendly matches. Please Email the Manager for more details on the terms and conditions which apply to this category.

Driving Range Membership: This will give access to the driving range, practice ground, practice putting green and the clubhouse facilities. No access to Course, or participation in Competitions, Matches or Exchange Days.

Second Club Membership
Terms & conditions
• Must be a full member of a home club for full term of membership.
• Proof of full membership from home club will be required at each payment of
• Eligible to full use of Clubhouse and practice facilities.
• Eligible to enter Non-Board competitions.
• Eligible to play with 3 guests once a month at the current member/guest rate.
• Eligible to 7 day playing rights upon the course.
• Eligible for members reduced bar prices, use of catering facilities and access to all member social events.
• Eligible for voting rights.
• May convert to Full Membership at any time during the year on payment of the full membership fee, less the amount already paid.
These terms & conditions will be monitored and are subject to change at the Club Management’s discretion.

Fee Payment:

Membership Fee payment is preferred by Bank Transfer.

Contact the Club Manager: Email for details.

Alternatively, the subscription fee may be spread over the remaining months of the membership year via a third party direct debit finance arrangement from Golf Credit Ltd.

NOTE: The Club receives no additional finance from any payment plan should you choose the direct debit option.
Golf Credit is not available on Winter Membership Offers